All students are welcome to participate in SCS simulations, and our organization has no formal membership. Additionally, no dues are required in order to participate.
SCS only keeps track of participants to identify voting members. To be considered a voting member for Executive Board elections, participants must meet the following criteria:
Students are current undergraduate or graduate students at George Washington University or any of its constituent academic institutions.
Students are in good standing with Strategic Crisis Simulations and the university.
Students have attended at least one event held by the organization during the academic year in which voting takes place. ​​​​
Regardless of whether you qualify as a voting member, anyone is welcome to participate in SCS events. There are a variety of ways for students to get involved with the organization:

Attend our events
SCS holds 4-6 hour capstone simulations on a quarterly basis.
These events are geopolitical wargames in which participants represent roles in U.S. government offices ranging from the National Security Council to USAID, and provide GW students with a practical opportunity to learn about government, crisis management, international conflict, and international diplomacy. In some of these events, participants also play as foreign government officials; in the past, this has included countries ranging from Colombia to China.
No prior experience is required to participate in a simulation!
Programming Events
The most common events held by SCS are crisis drills, which offer a more concise interactive format than our capstone simulations.
Participants represent "teams" ranging from the WMATA to the CIA to the government of Taiwan, depending on the nature of the scenario. These crisis drills allow for participants to enjoy themselves on a weeknight while also engaging in hands-on learning. No prior experience or preparation is required!
Additionally, our programming team puts on academic and social events, which range from panel events nights to trivia nights.

Join our Understudy Program
The Understudy Program connects members with experienced crisis drill writers to workshop, develop, and ultimately run their own original crisis drill!
Applications for the understudy program are solicited every fall. Program participants will develop their drill in the fall semester and run their exercise for the general membership in the spring semester.

Apply or run for leadership positions
Members are encouraged to apply or run for an SCS eboard position through one of the following ways:
•Running for an elected executive board position (Spring semester)
•Applying to represent first-year members of SCS as our First-Year Representative (Fall semester)
Members who wish to join the executive board should read the SCS Constitution.